Kibi College of Education

Kibi College of Education
Kibi College of Education

Friday, October 23, 2015

Clean Water University

The newest member of our team, Patrick Dimento, is in the middle of Living Waters for the World (LWW) Clean Water University at Camp Hopewell outside of Oxford, MS.  Patrick is taking the 103 course which will "train him up" on the technology of the water system and the "Bubba pose"!

Jim has been diligently swapping emails with our friends in Ghana - locking down final plans, little details, etc.  We got an email from Dan Kolbilla the other day and Dan will be traveling down from the north of Ghana to visit us somewhere along our journey.  Will be good to see Dan.

Michael Asiamah, our in-country technician, informed us last week that he has or will be purchasing in Ghana all the parts for the water system that will be used for the Kibi College of Education installation.  This is a big big step towards LWW sustainbiliity in Ghana that all the parts for the water system can be sourced in Ghana - sorry Delta - no excess bag fees this trip!

Patrick sent us some pictures today from CWU

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