Kibi College of Education

Kibi College of Education
Kibi College of Education

Thursday, November 5, 2015


We are "parked" in the Amsterdam airport for 8 hours transferring to Accra.  Nothing more fun than to try and figure out how to mange the boredom of an airport.  Nobody to talk to back in the US, everyone's fast asleep - even the Valentine boys finally told me (via text) they were signing off to go to sleep (that's a first).  Can't read any more news in ink or the web - information overload.

The group is fighting hard to stay awake in the airport so when we land in Accra (8:00 p.m. Accra time), we can get settled and then "hit the hay" ready for a full night's sleep.

Busy schedule this trip!

Tomorrow we have a brief meeting at the head office of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) and then we head off to Akropong - short from Accra up into the short hills north east of Accra.  We will be visiting an installed system that is not performing as well as we would like and we will be visiting the oldest teachers college in Ghana run by the PCG in partnership with the government of Ghana.  We visited this school in 2014 and it is likely one of the next sites in Ghana for a Living Waters (LWW) system.

Saturday we will be around Accra visiting with the water committee at Madina Presbyterian Church.  Madina has a LWW system that we installed in 2012.  However, their in-ground cistern has a crack in it and they are having trouble retaining raw water in the cistern.  We hope to get a positive update from their water committee on Saturday.  We'll spend the balance of the day watching college football...Ha...we will be out in the city looking at/for water bottle manufacturers and such.

Sunday is worship day - we will be lacing up our dancing shoes and ready to celebrate.

First of next week we will be on the move - leave Accra, travel to Nsaba, Kumasi, Abetifi, Kwahu Proso, and end up in Kibi Wednesday night.

In Kibi, at the Kibi Presbyterian College of Education, we will install a LWW system.  This will be the first installation of a LWW system since 2012.  We will spend 4 days in Kibi - then back to Accra to wrap up and then head back to Memphis.

Stay tuned.

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