Kibi College of Education

Kibi College of Education
Kibi College of Education

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


We spent today in and around the Abetify area.

This morning we looked at the systems at the Presby Office, Women's Health Clinic, and the training center.  All 3 systems were installed by Advent Presbyterian Church many years ago - all 3 in good working order with the system at the training center producing high volumes as the training center provides pure water to all that use the center throughout the year.

Shari and Forrest thinking....

Left to Right: Michael, LWW system operator at the women's clinic, Shari, Forrest, Jim (kneeling), Patrick, Rev Assante, and Charles.

Later in the morning we left Abetify (which is on top of a mountain) and drove to the Kwahu Praso health clinich (see '14 blog).  We relly think this can be  good lcoation for a system given their already existing bore hole and the fact that even though the clinic provides a lot of triage services, their main function is to provide health services for pregnant women, their new borns, and early childhood follow up health care.  We think that after today that Kwahu Praso Health Clinic is in the pipeline to be worked for a system.

This afternoon we came back up the mountain to Abetify and took a tour of the community water system that Michael Asiamah along with Andy & Susan Jordon, from Memphis, worked together to build.  This system is not a LWW system as it is serving 1,000s of people in the Abetify area.  It is very impressive and certainly serving a need in the community.

Tomorrow we head down the mountain and turn south to head to Kibi where will install a new LWW system.

Btw - with all the boys out of the house now, Chalmers and I have a little room for another member of the family (it's about a foot long, but nice colors).

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