Kibi College of Education

Kibi College of Education
Kibi College of Education

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Immanual Madina

I am not going to go back through all the background of Immanual Presbyterian Church - Madina and the history of the LWW water system that was insalled in 2012 - all of that is in the 2013 & 2014 blogs.

Saturday (yesterday) we had a meeting with the elders and pastor of IPC Madina to get an update on the use of their LWW water system.  As the '13 & '14 blogs described, IPC Madina has had brief "spurts" of success intermingled with long stretches of problems over the past 3 years.

Based on the short spurts of success, the leadership of IPC Madina realized how important pure water can be to their congregation, the missions of their church, and others not being served by IPC Madina that are in need of pure water.  IPC Madina has decided to raise money to invest in a more "comemrical" level water purification system - one that can be connected to their bore hole for continuous flow produciton and one that can treat their slightly high TDS.

IPC Madina would like to see the LWW pure system moved to another site that is in need of a pure water system.

Success or Failure.  If one strictly gauges the amount of water produced at IPC Madina the past 3 years as the indicator for success or failure - well the needle would be tilting toward failure.  However, if one gauges the priority, vision, and giving that IPC Madina is showing through the development of an IPC Madina speciifc pure water solution and their desire to see the LWW mission continue with a site that is in need - SUCCESS.

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