Kibi College of Education

Kibi College of Education
Kibi College of Education

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday Sunday Sunday

We worshiped this morning at the Ebenezer Presbyterian Church in Osu (section of Accra).  We went to the 7:00 a.m. service - we think - because when we arrived the music and singing had already begun - so maybe we were "fashionably" late!

We sat with Reverand Daniel Kofi Assante's family.  Daniel is the Director of Development & Social Services for the PCG and is our host during our time here in Ghana.  The service was all in English - so no reason for us not to participate - we all particiapted.

After the 2 hours service (maybe it was 1:45) we left for El Mine, a town 3 hours west of Accra along the coast.  

El Mine is a small town that has a long history of being a trading port.  In fact, the reason we went to El Mine was to tour the several hundred year old castle that had been used by the Portugese, Dutch, and British as a trading "warehouse" over the centuries, but the castle/fort/warehouse is most famous for being a trade and deport point for slavery - mainly transatlantic.

We spent a couple of hours at the fort taking the tour, walking through the dungeons, kitchens, hallways, governors quarters, etc. of the facility.  Needless to say the time at El Mine stretches one's senses and emotions.

Patrick said it's the best tour of a museum he had ever been on.

Well worth the 3 hours to and 3 hours back journey. 

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