Kibi College of Education

Kibi College of Education
Kibi College of Education

Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 2 of Installation

We left the Gold City Hotel right at 7:30 this morning.  I shot a video of our brief drive to the CoE from the hotel.  Patrick and I are going to work out something for when we get back to the US to put all of our videos up on the web at like a YouTube or other video hotel and tie it back to the blog.  There is not enough internet band width at places we have been and now in Kibi to upload video via internet, so we are going to have to wait till we get back to the US.

Today was much like yesterday, so I am not going to fill the page with a lot of words - but instead with pictures!

Health & Hygiene Training - Shari is doing a GREAT job!!

This is the afternoon session where the trainers that Shari trained are getting the opportunity to practice that training with real students.

Water System and Room


Odds & Ends

Preparing for the dedication plaque.

The plaque installed

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