Kibi College of Education

Kibi College of Education
Kibi College of Education

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


We traveled back south from Abetify to Begoro yesterday morning on the main highway between Accra and Kumasi.  After about an hour or so we came to a rest stop named Linda Dor - you may remember this place from the '14 blog as it is the place we had lunch and I was all over the Tilapia Soup...

Lunch at Linda Dor 2014

At Linda Dor you take a left and start to wind up & down the hills on the prtially paved roads (and that's being generous sometimes) for about 30-40 minutes before getting to the township of Begoro.

The LWW system at Begoro was installed in 2007 by Advent Presbyterian Church.  We arrived at the PCG Girls School, a small campus, positioned on the back of the PCG property on top of a hillside.

The principal of the school, Christina, received us and we moved into her office for formal introductions and updates.  The school is a vocational school, much like the school in Nsawam, where there is another LWW system.  The school teaches the girls a trade like: baking, cooking, dress making, etc.  The PCG has targeted that beginning in Sept '16, the school will shift it's focus from the current vocational types of training to nursing - sounds like a good move.  Christina will be retiring and a new principal will be coming on board.

The LWW system is being used by the school, but at very low volumes.  The main drivers of the low volume production is that the number of giels attedning the school has dropped to about 30.  With the low enrollment, the budget is tight and therefore needed supplies, filters, chlorine tablets, etc. are a struggle.  This is also a location where the larger 20L (5 gallon) bottles with no dispensers has been a struggle.  We talked to Christina about introducing a smaller bottle, 5L, to the students hoping to get them established before Sept '16.  Dispensers for the 20L are jsut out of the question right now given the low enrollment.

The resevoir of raw water is beneath the entire foundation of this buildiing.  The building was built by the Germans in the 1800's and uses rain water collection to fill the resevoir.

We left Begoro to head to Kibi and yes we stopped at Linda Dor for lunch and yes I had the Tilapia Soup again - in fact Jim had it too! 

BTW - found this guy making a dash into the water room...

"Bon Appetit"!

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