Kibi College of Education

Kibi College of Education
Kibi College of Education

Thursday, November 12, 2015

IntraMural Football @ Kibi

I watched this game while trekking between the building where the water room is located and the building where health & hygiene training was taking place.

This is serious, these guys are playing hard and taking no prisoners.  I saw more head balls this afternoon than in a world cup game.  When the players run by you - it's like they have jets on their feet!

No subs - goalies have no gloves - field is a field, hard dirt, dips, and uncut grass.

I thought about asking could I be a striker for one of the teams and then I saw I guy get taken out by a defender and realized there is no Campbells Clinic in Kibi!

BTW - check out that hillside in the background.

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