Kibi College of Education

Kibi College of Education
Kibi College of Education

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Golden City Hotel, Kibi Ghana

Here it is!

Going into our second night we think we have figured out the following:

1) Each room has an air conditioner, but if last night is any indication, when several of us turned our a/c on - the Kibi city power went out....for the hotel to kick on the generator, we had to turn off the a/c.  About 90 minutes later the city power came back on, but by that time you didn't need the a/c!

2) When we tried to use the water last night, there was no water out of the faucets.  This a.m., there was water.  A little while ago when we got back to the hotel, there was not water - however, Sammy was able to get a BIG bucket of water from one of the outside faucets for him to wipe down the van.

Suposition - the ultimate utility cost control process - the hotel manager just turns it off at the building until the guests change their behavior...

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